Axel AX4000 User's Manual User Manual

Page 80

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AXEL Office Server

Note: please reboot the computer after any modification to this COM list.

b - Setting-Up a Virtual COM

To enter the dialog box controlling the COM settings, double click on the driver
icon. This box allows the set-up for virtual COMs (i.e. previously created
through the COM Creation box):

A virtual COM is defined by:

- a name (selected through the list; in this example only COM6 is


- an IP address: the Office Server IP address,
- a Port Number: the identifier is the 'TCP Port' associated with the 'telnet

server' during the Office Server setting (see Chapter 2),

- a protocol: use the 'telnet' protocol. Other protocols must be disabled (for

example, Unimodem protocol is enabled by default).
