Edit a cc-noc, Launch cc-noc, Delete a cc-noc – Raritan Computer CC-SG User Manual

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11. Either copy and paste the passcodes into CC-NOC fields if you are the CC-NOC

administrator, or submit the two passcodes to the CC-NOC administrator. As documented in
the CommandCenter NOC Administrator Guide, the CC-NOC administrator will then
enter the passcodes in CC-NOC, which initiates an exchange of security certificates.

Important: To increase security, you must enter the passcodes in CC-NOC
within five minutes after they are generated on CC-SG. This will minimize the
window of opportunity for intruders to breach the system with a brute-force
attack. Avoid transmitting the passcodes over email or other electronic means
to avoid a possible interception by automated systems. A phone call or
exchange of written codes between trusted parties is better protection
against automated interception.

12. Once the certificate exchange process is complete, a secure channel has been established

between CC-NOC and CC-SG. The CC-NOC data will be copied to CC-SG. Click OK to
complete the process. If the process does not complete within 5 minutes, it times out and data
is not saved in CC-SG and any stored certificates are deleted. Retry the procedure again


to Step 1. in Add a CC-NOC on page 182.

Note: CommandCenter NOC can only be added to standalone or primary node CC-SG servers.

Edit a CC-NOC

1. On the Access menu, click CC-NOC Configuration. The CC-NOC Configuration screen


2. Highlight a CC-NOC in the list, and then click Edit. The Edit CC-NOC Configuration

screen appears.

3. Change the configuration as needed. Please refer to the previous section, Add a CC-NOC,

for additional information fields.

Launch CC-NOC

To launch CC-NOC from CC-SG:

1. On the Access menu, click CC-NOC Configuration.
2. In the CC-NOC Configuration screen, select an available CC-NOC.
3. Click Launch. This will connect you to a configured CC-NOC.

Delete a CC-NOC

To remove and unregister a CC-NOC in CC-SG, do the following.

1. On the Access menu, click CC-NOC Configuration. The CC-NOC Configuration screen


2. Select the CC-NOC you want to delete from CC-SG, and then click Delete. You are

prompted to confirm the deletion.

3. Click Yes to delete the CC-NOC. A CC-NOC Deleted Successfully message confirms that

CC-NOC has been deleted.
