Password file, Ethernet hardware address, Prompt, enter – Rockwell Automation 1771-DMC_DMC1_DMC4_DXPS Control Coprocessor User Manual User Manual

Page 92

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Chapter 6

Using the Ethernet Interface


The STARTINET procedure file is used to start the network. This file
indicates which network daemons—e.g., FTP, TELNET, INTERD,
SNMPD—are loaded at reset. See Figure 6.9 for an example STARTINET
file. The example file shipped in revision 1.20 and later of the PCBridge
software (1771-PCB) includes the startup of the INTERD and SNMPD
daemons. You can modify this file to choose which daemons are started
for your system. A line started with an asterisk (*) is a comment line.

Important: If you want to use the INTERD daemon, you must have
Series A Revision E (1.30) or later of the coprocessor firmware.

Figure 6.9

List of STARTINET File

$ list startinet

load -d inetdb ;* load inet database from ram-drive

load -d interd ;* load interd from ram-drive

load -d skimp ;* load snmpd from ram-drive

setip taro

load -d le0_147 ;* load lance/enet descriptor from ram-drive

load -d socket ;* load socket descriptor from ram-drive

mbinstall ;* load and start mbuf handler

routed<>>>/nil& ;* start up routed

* ispstart& ;* comment since routed is running we don’t need it

sleep 2 ;* wait a couple seconds until things calm down

telnetd <>>>/nil& ;* start daemon if we’d like to support telnet

ftpd <>>>/nil& ;* start daemon if we’d like to support ftp

interd <>>>/nil& ;* start daemon if we’d like to support interchange

snmpd <>>>/nil& ;* start daemon if we’d like to support snmp

chd /dd ;* go to top of ram-drv directory


Password File

You must have a password file when using Ethernet. See the Create a User
Startup File section in Chapter 3 to set up your password file.

Ethernet Hardware Address

If your network administrator requires the control-coprocessor Ethernet
hardware address, then at the


prompt, enter



. You get the

screen illustrated in Figure 6.10. The Ethernet address is shown on the
fourth line in the example.

Important: The lestat utility works only after the Ethernet port is
initialized by the startup procedure file.
