Glossary of console related terms, 15 glossary of console related terms, Xc users manual – Leprecon XC 350 User Manual

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XC Users Manual



15 Glossary of Console Related Terms

A switch that, when pressed, will blackout the entire show. It is very useful when
the operator wants to show external effects like pyrotechnics, video, or spotlights.

Board Channel
On a console a channel may only be represented by a number which is
assigned by the system to control any number of physical dimmers, color
scrollers, or other devices. Generally a control channel represents the smallest
easily divisible set of controls a designer has over groups of lighting instruments.
A soft patch or pin patch is used to assign dimmers or groups of dimmers to
individual control channels.

Bump Button
A switch used to quickly bring a board channel to full intensity. Pressing a bump
button is an alternative to using a fader. Bump buttons allow rapid manual control
over lighting control channels. On some consoles bump buttons can be put into
solo mode where all channels except those controlled by the bump button go

A lighting design term referring to a group of lights which are turned on and off in
a sequence. A chase can be a complex multi-part cue affecting large groups of
lighting instruments, and can be manipulated by rate, intensity, and fadetime.

A lighting term that refers to a cue which one set of lights increases in intensity
while another set simultaneously decreases in intensity. A crossfade is one
common way in which a change of scene can be indicated in a theatrical

Theatrical way of recording and playback looks. A Section of a lighting desk
which allows a list of pre-plotted lighting states to be 'played back' on the push of
a button. These lighting states normally have fade times allocated to them.

DMX 512 is a standard dimmer control protocol administered by U.S.I.T.T. to
provide a means for interfacing dimming and control equipment from different
manufacturers. A single DMX control cable carries dimmer intensity information
for 512 dimmers serially down 2 wires.
