Recording basics, 7 recording basics, Xc users manual – Leprecon XC 350 User Manual

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XC Users Manual

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7 Recording Basics

XC has a lot of programmable features; Submasters, Quick Looks, Playbacks,
Cue Stack and Chases. Fortunately, the method of recording ANY of these
controls is basically the same.

The three steps for programming:

1) Set a Scene.

This process is discussed in detail in Section 4, Setting Fixture Properties. The
short version is to select fixtures from the Run screen, bring them to the correct
level, and set the properties of intelligent fixtures in the Details Screen.

2) Press Record.

Use the Menu key or click on screen to start the Record process. A dialog box
will open to guide you.

Here we have another tabbed control, each tab with controls for a specific type of

control. Pick the area where you wish to save the scene. The XC will remember

that choice next time you are recording.

Note: The Record dialog can be ‘dragged’ to a new screen position if it obscures

needed screen area.

The example shows Submaster recording. A drop down allows selection of the
