Xc users manual – Leprecon XC 350 User Manual

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XC Users Manual



A device which causes connected lamps to decrease in intensity. Most dimmers
for entertainment lighting use are some variation of an SCR. Individual dimmers
are traditionally arranged in modules of two dimmers with modules combined into
dimmer racks. Solid state electronic device used to vary the intensity of the lights.
It provides the electrical muscle for the console.

A potentiometer used to set the level of a board channel.

A group is a convenient way to combine multiple lights and select them at once.

Incandescent Light
Most standard household light bulbs as well as tungsten halogen lamps are
incandescent. The color temperature of most incandescent lamps ranges from
1800 to about 3800.Kelvin.

The brightness of a light usually and is controlled by a dimmer.

The amount of power required for a lighting element.

Non Dim
A term used to describe a circuit that does not pass through a dimmer, or a load
that is not intended to be connected to a dimmer.

Patching is a component of most computer memory consoles that allows
dimmers to be patched electronically to control channels within the system.
Generally multiple dimmers can be patched to single control channels, but a
dimmer cannot be patched to more than one control channel. The term patching
takes place at several key points in a lighting system: at a patch panel, at a pin
patch, or in a soft patch.

Phase Control
A dimming method normally used to control the power to the light.

Preset or Submaster
A lighting term for a scene stored in the console’s memory that contains levels for
each board channel for later use during a performance.

The process of recording cue values into a console’s memory.
