Samsung SCX-6320F User Manual

Page 140

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• You can not select a web mail server with no SMTP support as a

SMTP server.

• Do not chane port number unless you have no problem relating

to firewall.

SMTP Requires Authentication: check if the SMTP server

need to be authenticated.

SMTP Server Login: enter your login name.
SMTP Server Password: enter your login password.
SMTP Server Connection Timeout: enter the timeout

value. Within the timeout value, you have to access the SMTP

server. You can enter from 30 to 120 seconds. The default

value is 30 seconds and if there is no problem to access the

SMTP server within 30 seconds, do not change the default


Reply Address: enter the e-mail address you want to

receive a reply mail.




If you want to receive the reply to other mail account,

please type it. If blank, this will not be used.

In the Recipient list & Conditions section

In this section, you can enter the receivers’ e-mail addresses

who will get the E-mail Notification information and decide which

information will be sent.
SysAdmin E-mail Address: enter the system

administrator’s e-mail address.

Key Users E-mail Address: enter the most important

manager’s e-mail address.

Service E-mail Address: enter the service administrator’s

e-mail address.

Consumable Shortage Warning: select who will receive

the consumable shortage warning mail.

Consumable Status Report: select who will receive the

consumable status report mail.

Alert System Error: select who will receive the alert system

error mail.
