Brocade Fabric OS Encryption Administrator’s Guide Supporting Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) Key-Compliant Environments (Supporting Fabric OS v7.1.0) User Manual

Page 193

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Fabric OS Encryption Administrator’s Guide (KMIP)



Zoning considerations


Redirect: No
The Local Name Server has 1 entry }

The nsshow command shows all devices on the switch, and the output can be lengthy. To
retrieve only the initiator PWWN, do a pattern search of the output based on the initiator Port
ID (a hex number). In the following example, The PID is 010600, where 01 indicates the
domain and 06 the port number.

FabricAdmin:switch> nsshow | grep 0106
N 010600; 2,3;


;20:00:00:00:c9:2b:c9:3a; na

3. Determine the target PWWN. Enter the nsscamshow command to review the remote switch

information. In the following example, the port name 20:0c:00:06:2b:0f:72:6d is the target

FabricAdmin:switch> nscamshow
nscamshow for remote switches:
Switch entry for 2
state rev owner
known v611 0xfffc01
Device list: count 13
Type Pid COS PortName NodeName
NL 0208d3; 3;



PortSymb: [55] "LSI7404XP-LC BR A.1 03-01081-02D FW:01.03.06 Port 1 "
Fabric Port Name: 20:08:00:05:1e:34:e0:6b
Permanent Port Name: 20:0c:00:06:2b:0f:72:6d
Port Index: 8
Share Area: No
Device Shared in Other AD: No
Redirect: No

Alternately use nscamshow | grep target PID to obtain the target PWWN only.

FabricAdmin:switch>nscamshow | grep 0208
NL 0208d3; 3;



4. Create a zone that includes the initiator and a target. Enter the zonecreate command followed

by a zone name, the initiator PWWN and the target PWWN.

FabricAdmin:switch> zonecreate itzone, "10:00:00:00:c9:2b:c9:3a; \

5. Create a zone configuration that includes the zone you created in step 4. Enter the cfgcreate

command followed by a configuration name and the zone member name.

FabricAdmin:switch> cfgcreate itcfg, itzone

6. Enable the zone configuration.

FabricAdmin:switch> cfgenable itcfg
You are about to enable a new zoning configuration.
This action will replace the old zoning configuration with the
current configuration selected.
Do you want to enable 'itcfg' configuration (yes, y, no, n): [no] y
zone config"itcfg" is in effect
Updating flash ...
