4 connection injection valve – suppressor, 5 connection suppressor – detector, 6 connection detector – waste – Metrohm 761 SD Compact IC User Manual

Page 27: Connection injection valve, Suppressor, Connection suppressor, Detector, Connection detector, 6 ). the other one upstream of the inlet capillary, Ns 2.6.5

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2.6 Installing the eluent path

761 SD Compact IC / Instructions for Use 8.




Connection injection valve


The precolumn and the separating column are fitted between injection

valve and suppressor in the operational system (see Figure 3). How-

ever, since the system should first be rinsed without columns (so as not

to damage them), the columns may be fitted only later (see Section

2.15). A PEEK coupling 54 is fitted as a temporary replacement.
Proceed as follows:

1 Fit the PEEK coupling 54

Connect the column connection capillary 33 to the "suppressor

inlet capillary for eluent ("Eluent")" 37 via the PEEK coupling 54

(see Section 2.3.2).
Temporary connection schematic (c.f. Figure 3):

2.6.5 Connection



From the suppressor, the eluent stream is routed on to the detector

(see Figure 3). The connection is made using a PEEK coupling. Pro-

ceed as follows:

1 Fit the PEEK coupling 54

Connect the "suppressor outlet capillary for eluent ("Detector")"

38 via the PEEK coupling 54 (see Section 2.3.2) to the "inlet ca-

pillary to detector block" 39.

2.6.6 Connection



Downstream of the detector, the eluent flow is routed back into the

suppressor. It rinses the suppressor there after its regeneration phase.

A filter unit PEEK is fitted between detector and suppressor. Proceed as


1 Fit the filter unit PEEK

Connect the "outlet capillary from detector block" 41 via the filter

unit PEEK 54 (see Section 2.3.3) to the "suppressor inlet capil-

lary for eluent ("H2O")" 42.



