Understanding the bar graphs and indicators – Omnia Audio Omnia A/XE User Manual

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are editing a preset file through the Preset Manager.

3. Below the block diagram and the meter section you will find the parameter controls and

the bypass switch. Use the sliders, knobs and switches to change the parameter values.

Understanding The Bar graphs and Indicators

The bar graphs are capable of indicating more than just level information. The texture and

density of the audio signal can be observed, based upon the dynamic action of the bar

graphs, and peak-responding “pills”. Of interest are the “pills” at the end of the input and

output meters, as they indicate peak level. The bar section represents the RMS average of

the signal. Wide dynamic range will display a separation between the pills and the bar,

whereas signal with little peak information will cause the pills to ride on the crest of the bar

graph. The bar graphs can indicate up to 25 dB of gain reduction.

The bar graphs provide a wealth of information about the processing control in Omnia

A/XE. The algorithms automatically adapt the style of compression/limiting control being

employed on a moment-by-moment basis. This can be deduced if the metering is studied

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