Additional reference material – NEC UNIVERGE NEAX 2000 IPS User Manual

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Chapter 18 Call Accounting

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2000 IPS Request for Proposal (RFP) Reference Guide

Issue 6

Trouble Ticket

Trouble Ticket simplifies the trouble reporting, resolution, and tracking process. It lets you see a
database of telecom problems and their associated solutions with a simple character search. Suggest
simple solutions over the phone or create work orders, on the same screen, for the more involved

Voice Mail SPE

Voice Mail SPE is an AIMWorX module that lets you program the voice mail system from a tab on the
AIMWorX Manager user’s screen. This interface lets you avoid the time needed and mistakes made by
entering the duplicate information into two systems. The AIMWorX Voice Mail SPE currently supports
the Octel Overture 250, Baypoint/Centigram C70, 120I, 120R, 120S, or 640, Captaris/AVT CallXpress,
and NEAXmail AD-40 and NEAXmail AD-120 voice mail systems.

Work Order

Work Order lets you create work orders that automate commands from all the other AIMWorX modules.
It uses a separate user interface that lets you schedule work orders, manage technician’s schedules,
track progress through completion, and manage inventory and billing.

Additional Reference Material

All additional documentation is included on the CD ROM. Also included on the CD-ROM is a copy of
Acrobat Reader to view the documentation.
