2 display units, 3 positive direction: right/ left, 4 modulo rotary axis – Lenze 931W User Manual

Page 38: 5 software limit switch, 6 offset reference, Display units, Positive direction: right/left, Modulo rotary axis, Software limit switch, Offset reference

background image

Software implementation and parameter setting

System menu

Display units



HB 13.0001-EN 3.0


Display units

The unit for the time can be selected in minutes or seconds; the position can be specified

in increments, revolutions, angular degree, angular minutes, angular seconds, or in m, dm,

cm, mm, mm. All other parameters of the software are adapted to the units that are set.


Positive direction: right/left

In this function, apart from the orientation of the linear axis / rotary axis, also the position

values for the limit switches are changed.


Modulo rotary axis

For rotary table applications, this field can be selected. After the selection has been

effected, this operating mode is activated in the ”Travel data sets” menu and can be



Software limit switch

Irrespective of the hardware limit switches, additional software limit switches can be

defined, whereby according to the direction orientation of the linear or rotary axis

reasonable values have to be defined for left/right (e.g. positive left direction meaning:

position value for the left > position value for the right!). If the direction orientation is

changed, also the values for the limit switches have to be altered, as otherwise faults can


At the effort of trying to start a reference run in a linear system, the fault message ”System

parameters” occurs immediately. Although ”Direction positive/left” has been set, the

position value for the right software limit switch was set higher than that for the left one.

Therefore, due to incorrectly set system parameters, it is not possible to approach the

software limit switch correctly in the correct direction. For error correction, the position

value for the left software limit switch has to be set higher than that for the right switch

in the ”System” menu.


The software limit switches can only be used in the controller types ”absolute

position” or ”relative position”.


Offset reference

The ”Reference” offset effectuates a zero shift of the home position (standard value 0) by

the position value entered here. A change of the reference offset only is accepted after a

new reference run. Thereby, if required, the position of the software limit switches is to be

checked again. The function of the home position in this connection remains unaffected

by the reference offset.

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