20 equalizer, 21 lp/hp filters, 22 equalizers in/out – Cadac F-Type User Manual

Page 61: 23 insert (programmable), 24 aux/vca, 25 vca group select

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Stereo Input module 7761


Revision F2005-2


case -
the upper knob controls the LEFT signal to send A and
the lower knob controls the RIGHT signal to Send B.

714153 #(TXDOL]HU

The equalizer has four sections with variable controls for ±18dB cut/boost, frequency
and Q.

The HF frequency control covers the range 1.5kHz to 15kHz.

The MF2 mid frequency control covers the range 400Hz to 4kHz.

The MF1 low/mid frequency control covers the range 60Hz to 600Hz.

The LF low frequency control covers the range 20Hz to 200Hz.

The Q-control varies the bandwidth of the EQ section in the range Q=1 to Q=3. A low
Q-value gives a wide bandwidth. By this follows that a relatively large range of fre-
quencies (either side of the centre frequency) have the cut/boost applied. As the Q-
value is increased, the bandwidth is reduced and consequently a smaller range of
frequencies have cut/boost applied.

714154 /32+3#)LOWHUV

The low pass filter has an IN/OUT switch with a variable frequency control from
1.2kHz to 35kHz.
The high pass filter has an IN/OUT switch with a variable frequency control from
14Hz to 400Hz

714155 (TXDOL]HUV#,12287

This switch simply switches the EQs IN or OUT of circuit.


All Input Channels have a Send and Return break-jack facility placerd after the
equalizer. This is to allow the signal to be sent out to and returned from an external
processing unit. A relay is used to switch the Insert function IN and OUT. When
INSERT is not selected, the signal is passed directly from the EQ stage to the fader.
Select INSERT to divert the channel audio signal to an external device and have the
processed signal inserted into the signal path.

714157 $8;29&$

Aux from VCA may be set ON or OFF locally or by programming as part of a cue.
When Aux VCA is ON, the LED will be illuminated.
Aux VCA OFF - If any of the Auxiliary Sends on a channel are set to send signal post
fader, then the channel fader will directly control the signal level sent to the Auxiliary
Mix Bus. A DC Master selected for the channel will have no effect.
Aux VCA ON - If any of the Auxiliary Sends on a channel are set to send signal post
fader, the DC Master will also control the overall level of the signal to the Auxiliary
Mix Bus.

714158 9&$#*URXS#6HOHFW

Press the “GROUP +” switch to increment the DC Master group number and the
“GROUP -” switch to decrement the DC Master group number. The DC Master group
selected is shown in the segment display to the right of the switches, labelled
