Netopia 2200 User Manual

Page 115

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6. dropped - frag-
mented packet:

This log-message is generated whenever a packet, traversing the
router, is dropped because it is fragmented, stateful inspection is
turned ON on the packet's transmit or receive interface, and deny-
fragment option is enabled.

7. dropped - cannot

This log-message is generated whenever a packet traversing the
router is dropped because the packet cannot be sent without frag-
mentation, but the do not fragment bit is set.

8. dropped - no route

This log-message is generated whenever a packet, traversing the
router or destined to the router itself, is dropped because no route is
found to forward the packet.

9. dropped - invalid IP

This log-message is generated whenever a packet, traversing the
router or destined to the router itself, is dropped because the IP ver-
sion is not 4.

10. dropped - possi-
ble land attack:

This log-message is generated whenever a packet, traversing the
router or destined to the router itself, is dropped because the packet is
TCP/UDP packet and source IP Address and source port equals the
destination IP Address and destination port.

11. TCP SYN flood

This log-message is generated whenever a SYN packet destined to
the router's management interface is dropped because the number of
SYN-sent and SYN-receives exceeds one half the number of allow-
able connections in the router.

12. Telnet receive DoS
attack - packets

This log-message is generated whenever TCP packets destined to
the router's telnet management interface are dropped due to over-
whelming receive data.

13. dropped - reas-
sembly timeout:

This log-message is generated whenever packets, traversing the
router or destined to the router itself, are dropped because of reas-
sembly timeout.

14. dropped - illegal

This log-message is generated whenever packets, traversing the
router or destined to the router itself, are dropped during reassembly
because of illegal packet size in a fragment.

Access-related Log Messages
