3 cineassetschedule kdm generation, 1 syntax, 2 commands – Doremi CineAsset User Manual

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4.3 CineAssetSchedule KDM Generation



CineAssetSchedule.exe <command> [-i sourcce_dir] [-s server1_location -s server2_location ...] [-p
projector1_location -p projector2_location ...] [-std standard] [-cert smpte_optional_cert] [-f
filename_label] [-a annotation_text] [-sv start_validity] [-ev end_validity] [-vid video_watermark] [-aud
audio_watermark] [-d destination_dir]



 KDM: Create a KDM
 help: Show usage



 -d: KDM location. If not available then the KDM by default is created in the database
 -i: Input source directory for the DCP for which to generate a KDM for
 -s: Server certificate location. Multiple entry of servers allowed
 -p: Projector certificate location (Optional). Multiple entry of projectors allowed
 -std: standard of the KDM to be created, either 'Interop' or 'Smpte' (Optional). If no standard is

present then the KDM will default to Interop standard

 -cert: Valid only if KDM standard is set to SMPTE (Optional). Could be 'cs' or 'cssm'
 -f: Filename Label (Optional)
 -a: Annotation Text (Optional)
 -sv: Start of KDM validity (Optional). Format should be in the form of MMddyyyy-hhmmss. If -sv

is not available, then the current date and time will be used

 -ev: End of KDM validity (Optional). Format should be in the form of MMddyyyy-hhmmss. If -ev

is not available, then the end of validity will be set to the start validity + 1 months

 -vid: Forensic watermarking for Picture (Optional). Could be 'True' or 'False'. If not present, then

by default is set to True

 -aud: Forensic watermarking for Audio (Optional). Could be 'True' or 'False'. If not present, then

by default is set to True only if the KDM standard is set to SMPTE otherwise False

 -t: This sets the time zone the input start and end periods are relative to. ie -t "+5:00". Defaults

to "+0:00"

 -uuid: Set the UUID of the created KDM. Default is to generate a unique UUID.
 -b: Batch kdm creation using a user defined xml file. When this option is used the other options

must not be used. Example: CineAssetSchedule kdm -b kdm1.xml -b kdm2.xml -b kdm3.xml

Note: Make sure when entering a location to include it in "" so spaces will be accounted for.


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Version 2.5

Doremi Labs
