Figure 40: tool options) – BECKHOFF ET9300 User Manual

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Application Note ET9300

Figure 40: Tool Options



o [Open last project on startup]

The last slave project is reloaded on the next startup of the tool.

o [Update SSC before creating a new project]

If this flag is set the Slave Stack Code Tool checks if a new SSC version is available
before creating a new project.
NOTE: Before each project update ([Project] -> [Project Update]) an update of the
local SSC file will be triggered.
The local SSC files are stored in the application data folder.

o [Update local SSC]

Update local SSC files.

o [Vendor Name]

Add your Vendor name here. This information will be added to slave project.

o [Vendor ID]

Add your Vendor ID here. This information will be added to the slave project.
If you don’t have a Vendor ID yet please contact

[email protected]




o [Show advanced settings]

Show also settings which are marked as advanced (e.g. compiler settings)

o [Show read only settings]

Settings which are marked as read-only are shown (but remain read only). Read only
settings are marked with a lock symbol (see Figure 41: Configurator Locked Setting).

Figure 41: Configurator Locked Setting

o [Block type mismatching setting values]

If enabled the new values with an invalid type format will be blocked.

o [Update dependent settings]

Ignore: dependent settings will not be updated
ApplyAll: all dependent settings will be updated
AskUser: a dialog will be displayed if a dependent setting has changed.


Create Files
