Opening the sector menu, Viewing master driver version information, Returning to the main menu – ProSoft Technology MVI46-103M User Manual

Page 59

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Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

MVI46-103M ♦ SLC Platform

IEC 60870-5-103 Master Communication Module

ProSoft Technology, Inc.

Page 59 of 187

September 12, 2006

Refer to Session Configuration Menu (on page 66) for more information about
the commands on this menu.

Opening the Sector Menu

Press [1] from the IEC-103 Master Driver Menu to open the Sector Configuration
menu. Use this command to view the Sector Configuration data.

The Sector Configuration Menu section has more information about the
commands on this menu.

Viewing Master Driver Version Information

Press [V] from the IEC-103 Master Driver Menu to view the master driver version

Returning to the Main Menu

Press [M] to return to the Main Menu.
