Analyzing data for port 1, Analyzing data for port 2, Displaying timing marks in the data analyzer – ProSoft Technology MVI46-103M User Manual

Page 64: Removing timing marks in the data analyzer, Viewing data in hexadecimal format, Viewing data in ascii (text) format

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MVI46-103M ♦ SLC Platform

Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

IEC 60870-5-103 Master Communication Module

Page 64 of 187

ProSoft Technology, Inc.

September 12, 2006

Analyzing Data for Port 1

Press [1] to display I/O data for Port 1 in the Data Analyzer. The following
illustration shows an example of the Data Analyzer output.

Analyzing Data for Port 2

Press [2] to display I/O data for Port 2 in the Data Analyzer.

Displaying Timing Marks in the Data Analyzer

You can display timing marks for a variety of intervals in the data analyzer
screen. These timing marks can help you determine communication-timing

Key Interval


1 mSec ticks


5 mSec ticks


10 mSec ticks


50 mSec ticks


100 mSec ticks

Removing Timing Marks in the Data Analyzer

Press [0] to turn off timing marks in the Data Analyzer screen.

Viewing Data in Hexadecimal Format

Press [H] to display the data on the current page in hexadecimal format.

Viewing Data in ASCII (Text) Format

Press [A] to display the data on the current page in ASCII format. This is useful
for regions of the database that contain ASCII data.
