Burkert Type 8056 User Manual

Page 65

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DLERE, data logger event reset
DLESE, data logger event send enable
DLGSI, data logger sample interval
DLMRD, data logger min/max read
DLMRE, data logger min-max reset
DLOGE, data logger enable
DLTPT, data logger test stop time
DLTST, data logger test start time
DLTTI, data logger test time interval
DLUSE, data logger measure units send enable
DLYRD, data logger dynamic data read
DLYRE, data logger dynamic data reset
DLYSE, data logger dynamic data send enable
DTIME, date / time
DTSDL, DaTa Send DeLay
DTSOF, data logger test start off
DTSON, data logger test start on
DVADR, device address
ENSDT, energy saving display time
ENSST, energy saving sample interval
ENSVE, energy saving enable
EPDAT, empty pipe detection alarm threshold
EPDCC, empty pipe detection calibration command
EPDEN, empty pipe detection enable
EPDGV, empty pipe detection gain value
FRANN, flow rate alarm min negative
FRANP, flow rate alarm min positive
FRAXN, flow rate alarm max negative
FRAXP, flow rate alarm max positive
FRFS1, flow rate full scale 1
FRFS2, flow rate full scale 2
FRMUT, flow rate measure unit type
FRMUV, flow rate measure unit value
FRSRN, flow rate scale range number
FRVPC, flow rate value percent
FRVTU, flow rate value technical unit
GPAPN, gprs access point name
GPASN, gprs authorized sms number
GPAUT, gprs authentication type
GPCFS, gprs configuration Send
GPCSE, gprs clock sync enable
GPDTS, gprs data send
GPEMF, gprs email address from
GPEMT, gprs email address to
GPESE, gprs email send enable
GPESI, gprs email send interval
GPHTA, gprs http address
GPHTP, gprs http port
GPPSW, gprs password
GPRTE, gprs terminal enable
GPSCI, gprs sms check interval
GPSMA, gprs smtp address
GPSME, gprs sms enable
GPSMP, gprs smtp port
GPSSN, Gprs Sms Send Number
GPURL, gprs time url
GPUSR, gprs user
GSCLN, GSm CaLl Number
GSITM, Gsm Inactivity TiMeout
ICALE, ignore calibration errors

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