Burkert Type 8056 User Manual

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IF2PT, IF2 protocol type
L2ACD, level 2 access code
LFDIC, load factory defaults immediate command
LLANG, layout language
LUDIC, load user data immediate command
MFCUT, measure filter cut-off threshold
MFMXT, measure filter max variation threshold
MFSKT, measure filter skip threshold
MFTCV, measure filter time constant value

MODBP, MODBus Parity

MODSV, MODel and Software Version
MSIEN, measure simulation enable
OCACV, output current alarm condition value
OUT1F, output 1 function
OUT2F, output 2 function
PDIMV, pipe diameter value
QSTME, Quick STart Menu Enable
ROAME, ROAMing Enable
SCAPE, SCADA Protocol Enable
SEVSE, Sms Event Send Enable
SFDIC, save factory defaults immediate command
SFREQ, sampling frequency
SIPOS, sensor insertion position
SMODL, sensor model
SPDSC, Sms Process Data Send Command
SPDSE, Sms Process Data Send Enable
SRCIE, scale range change input enable
SRNUM, serial number
STBYC, STandBY Command
SUDIC, save user data immediate command
SZPCC, sensor zero point calibration command
SZPCR, sensor zero point calibration reset
TCLIE, totalizers count lock input enable
TCMDE, totalizers currency mode display enable
TONTM, total on time
TTNVE, TOTalizers Net Value Enable
VMSGC, volume to mass specific gravity coefficient
VTDPP, volume totalizers decimal point position
VTMUT, volume totalizers measure unit type
VTMUV, volume totalizers measure unit value
VTPNE, volume totalizer partial negative reset enable
VTPNR, volume totalizer partial negative reset
VTPNV, volume totalizer partial negative value
VTPPE, volume totalizer partial positive reset enable
VTPPR, volume totalizer partial positive reset
VTPPV, volume totalizer partial positive value
VTTNE, volume totalizer total negative reset enable
VTTNR, volume totalizer total negative reset
VTTNV, volume totalizer total negative value
VTTPE, volume totalizer total positive reset enable
VTTPR, volume totalizer total positive reset
VTTPV, volume totalizer total positive value
WKUIE, wake-up input enable

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