About the h3c sr8800 documentation set, Obtaining documentation, Technical support – H3C Technologies H3C SR8800 User Manual

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About the H3C SR8800 documentation set

The H3C SR8800 10G Core Routers documentation set includes:

Category Documents


Product description and

Marketing brochures

Describe product specifications and benefits.

Technology white papers

Provide an in-depth description of software features
and technologies.

Card datasheets

Describe card specifications, features, and standards.

Hardware specifications
and installation

Compliance and safety

Provides regulatory information and the safety
instructions that must be followed during installation.

Installation guide

Provides a complete guide to hardware installation
and hardware specifications.

H3C Transceiver
Modules User Guide

Describes models, appearance, and specifications
of transceiver modules.

Software configuration

Configuration guides

Describe software features and configuration

Command references

Provide a quick reference to all available commands.

Operations and

System log messages

Explains the system log messages.

Trap messages

Explains the trap messages.

Release notes

Provide information about the product release,
including the version history, hardware and software

compatibility matrix, version upgrade information,
technical support information, and software


Obtaining documentation

Access the most up-to-date H3C product documentation on the World Wide Web



Click the links on the top navigation bar to obtain different categories of product documentation:

[Technical Support & Documents > Technical Documents]

—Provides hardware installation, software

upgrading, and software feature configuration and maintenance documentation.

[Products & Solutions]

—Provides information about products and technologies, as well as solutions.

[Technical Support & Documents > Software Download]

—Provides the documentation released with the

software version.

Technical support

[email protected]
