EastWest Hollywood Orchestra Opus Edition Virtual Instrument Plug-In (Download) User Manual

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is played with increasing speed and force so that its volume grows to a peak and is allowed
to ring out (sustain); and crescendo stopped, where the cymbal is played with increas-
ing speed and force so that its volume grows to a peak and is then dampened (stopped)
to prevent it from ringing out. The sizzle layer floats over top of the core cymbal sound,
and it adds a lot of detail best suited for moments where it isn’t competing with a bunch
of other instruments (though it’s a viable substitute for a standard suspended cymbal as
well). Each contains 4 different lengths mapped to white keys from shortest to longest
(C3–F3=crescendo sustain; G3–B3=crescendo stopped), and each has a round robin (x2)
cycle. CC 11 (Expression) and Note Velocity control overall loudness, and Note Velocity
also controls dynamics (2 levels).


This folder of instruments includes bass drums, snare drums, field drums, toms, taos
drums, tambourines, and ensembles of various sizes and materials.

5in x 14in Brass Ludwig Snare
A 5” x 14” snare drum starting on note C1, composed of several different articulations
mapped to the white keys (C1–D1=center hit LH, RH; E1–F1=edge hit LH, RH; G1=flam;
A1=rim shot; B1=bounce; C2=roll; D2=roll with DXF; E2–G2=roll crescendos). These hits
and rolls are very ‘wet,’ with a healthy dispersed smack that fits well in large orchestral
arrangements. CC 11 (Expression) and Note Velocity control overall loudness, Note Veloc-
ity also controls dynamics (up to 12 levels), and notes play in a round robin (x4) cycle.

5in x 14in Mahogany Ludwig Snare
A 5” x 14” snare drum starting on note C1, composed of several different articulations
mapped to the white keys (C1–D1=center hit LH, RH; E1–F1=edge hit LH, RH; G1=flam;
A1=rim shot; B1=bounce; C2=roll; D2=roll with DXF; E2–F2=roll crescendos). The hits
are meaty, with a strong mid range presence that causes each strike to ring out in the tail.
CC 11 (Expression) and Note Velocity control overall loudness, Note Velocity also controls
dynamics (up to 12 levels), and notes play in a round robin (x4) cycle.

5in x 14in Pearl Philharmonic Snare
A 5” x 14” snare drum starting on note C1, composed of several different articulations
mapped to the white keys (C1–D1=center hit LH, RH; E1–F1=edge hit LH, RH; G1=flam;
A1=rim shot; B1=bounce; C2=roll; D2=roll with DXF; E2–F2=roll crescendos). Each hit
has an upper mid range, hard woody quality that functions well as military or marching
snare. CC 11 (Expression) and Note Velocity control overall loudness, Note Velocity also
controls dynamics (up to 12 levels), and notes play in a round robin (x4) cycle.

6in x 14in Brass Calf Head Ludwig Snare
A 6” x 14” snare drum starting on note C1, composed of several different articulations
mapped to the white keys (C1–D1=center hit LH, RH; E1–F1=edge hit LH, RH; G1=flam;
A1=rim shot; B1=bounce; C2=roll; D2=roll with DXF; E2–F2=roll crescendos). It has a
strong low mid presence, giving it more weight than most snares — this is easy to lose in
a large ensemble, but shines during percussion solos or any time you want the snare to
occupy more space in a mix. CC 11 (Expression) and Note Velocity control overall loud-
ness, Note Velocity also controls dynamics (up to 12 levels), and notes play in a round
robin (x4) cycle.
