EastWest Hollywood Orchestra Opus Edition Virtual Instrument Plug-In (Download) User Manual

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11 (Expression), and CC 1 (Mod Wheel) controls overall loudness, and CC 1 (Mod Wheel)
controls dynamics (up to 3 levels).

Leg Exp Vib
This instrument features legato playing in an expressive style, and is best suited for slower
tempos. A performance script determines which layer is selected based on whether legato
playing is detected or not, and timing between legato intervals is adjusted (tighter or
looser) based on how hard or soft you play (Note Velocity). When playing connected notes
(legato) up to an octave in either direction, an expressive legato articulation will play-
back, cross-fading into a sustain vibrato layer. When playing disconnected (non-legato),
the same sustain vibrato layer will playback. CC 11 (Expression), and CC 1 (Mod Wheel)
controls overall loudness, and CC 1 (Mod Wheel) controls dynamics (up to 3 levels).

Leg Lyr Vib
This instrument allows legato playing in a lyrical style, which is reminiscent of singing,
and is intended for use at slow to moderate tempos. A performance script determines
which layer is selected based on whether legato playing is detected or not, and tim-
ing between legato intervals is adjusted (tighter or looser) based on how hard or soft
you play (Note Velocity). When playing connected notes (legato) up to an octave in ei-
ther direction, a lyrical legato articulation will playback, cross-fading into a lyrical vi-
brato layer. When playing disconnected (non-legato), the same lyrical vibrato layer will
playback. CC 11 (Expression), and CC 1 (Mod Wheel) controls overall loudness.

Leg Runs
This instrument allows you to create seamless multi-note runs, most realistic at fast
tempos, while affording more flexibility than pre-recorded runs. A performance script
determines which layer is selected based on whether legato playing is detected or not,
and timing between legato intervals is adjusted (tighter or looser) based on how hard or
soft you play (Note Velocity). When playing connected notes (legato) up to 3 semitones
(a minor 3rd) in either direction, a legato runs articulation will playback, with a round
robin (x2) cycle per note. When playing connected notes (legato) 4 semitones and up to
an octave in either direction, a legato bow change articulation will playback. Both runs
and legato layers cross-fade into a détaché layer with a round robin (x2) cycle per note.
Playing disconnected (non-legato) will trigger the same détaché layer. CC 11 (Expression),
and CC 1 (Mod Wheel) control overall loudness.

Leg Slur
This instrument features a legato slur articulation in which multiple notes can be played
uninterrupted on a single bow stroke. Each note moves in the direction of the next just as
it’s ending to ensure smooth playback. It shines at slow to medium tempos when there’s
plenty of time to hear the individual transitions between notes. A performance script
determines which layer is selected based on whether legato playing is detected or not,
and timing between legato intervals is adjusted (tighter or looser) based on how hard or
soft you play (Note Velocity). When playing connected notes (legato) up to an octave in
either direction, a legato slur articulation will play, cross-fading into a sustain vibrato
layer. When playing disconnected (non-legato), the same sustain layer will playback. CC
11 (Expression), and CC 1 (Mod Wheel) control overall loudness, and CC 1 (Mod Wheel)
controls dynamics (up to 3 levels).
