EastWest Hollywood Orchestra Opus Edition Virtual Instrument Plug-In (Download) User Manual

Page 83

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overlapping will trigger with their regular attacks. CC 11 (Expression), and CC 1 (Mod
Wheel) control overall loudness.

Grand Détaché RR
This instrument features an articulation that creates sustained notes without a legato
connection (the term “détaché” means “separated” in English), and has a clear attack
at the start of every note regardless of what comes before it. It is loaded with a legato
performance script that blends overlapping notes and eliminates strong attacks, forcing
monophonic playback; this allows you to easily create smooth melodic lines. Non-overlap-
ping will trigger with their regular attacks. CC 11 (Expression), and Note Velocity control
overall loudness, and there is a round robin (x2) cycle per note.

Lyrical Vibrato
This instrument features an articulation that employs an expressive style of vibrato remi-
niscent of a singing voice. It is loaded with a legato performance script that blends over-
lapping notes and eliminates strong attacks, forcing monophonic playback; this allows
you to easily create smooth melodic lines. Non-overlapping will trigger with their regular
attacks. CC 11 (Expression), and CC 1 (Mod Wheel) control overall loudness, and CC 1
(Mod Wheel) controls dynamics (2 levels).

Sustain Expressive (Sus Exp)
This instrument features an articulation that employs a molto vibrato style (highly pro-
nounced vibrato). It is loaded with a legato performance script that blends overlapping
notes and eliminates strong attacks, forcing monophonic playback; this allows you to eas-
ily create smooth melodic lines. Non-overlapping will trigger with their regular attacks. CC
11 (Expression), and CC 1 (Mod Wheel) control overall loudness, and CC 1 (Mod Wheel)
controls dynamics (2 levels).

Sustain Light Vibrato (Sus LtVib)
This instrument features an articulation that employs a light amount of vibrato, in con-
trast to some of the more dramatic instruments in this collection. It is loaded with a
legato performance script that blends overlapping notes and eliminates strong attacks,
forcing monophonic playback; this allows you to easily create smooth melodic lines. Non-
overlapping will trigger with their regular attacks. CC 11 (Expression), and CC 1 (Mod
Wheel) control overall loudness.

Sustain Non Vibrato (Sus Non Vib)
This instrument features an articulation that has no vibrato, creating a pure, uncom-
monly static sound for bowed string instruments. It is loaded with a legato performance
script that blends overlapping notes and eliminates strong attacks, forcing monophonic
playback; this allows you to easily create smooth melodic lines. Non-overlapping will trig-
ger with their regular attacks. CC 11 (Expression), and CC 1 (Mod Wheel) control overall
loudness, and CC 1 (Mod Wheel) controls dynamics (3 levels).

Sustain NV NV VB
This instrument combines 2 articulations: non vibrato in the lower 2 dynamic levels and
a light vibrato in the loudest dynamic level. It is loaded with a legato performance script
that blends overlapping notes and eliminates strong attacks, forcing monophonic play-
back; this allows you to easily create smooth melodic lines. Non-overlapping will trigger
with their regular attacks. CC 11 (Expression), and CC 1 (Mod Wheel) control overall loud-
ness, and CC 1 (Mod Wheel) controls dynamics (3 levels).
