EastWest Hollywood Orchestra Opus Edition Virtual Instrument Plug-In (Download) User Manual

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Timpani Felt Rolls
Felt mallet timpani rolls that start on note C1, composed of a 22-note chromatic range
with different roll variations. CC 11 (Expression) and Note Velocity control overall loud-
ness, while CC 1 (Mod Wheel) controls dynamics (8 levels) — this fine control from the
Mod Wheel allows you to create crescendos and decrescendos. Whereas Timpani Felt
Cresc gives you the most realism (since the rolls are pre-recorded), this instrument gives
you much more control over the length and drama of every roll.

Timpani Felt Short
Quickly muted, short felt mallet timpani hits that start on note C1, composed of 22-
note chromatic ranges with different left-hand (between notes C1–A2) and right-hand
(between notes C3–A4) hit variations. This allows you to create more realistic stops and
dampening effects than are possible with automation alone — this is particularly useful
when you know that each hit needs to be cut off within a beat or two of the initial timpani
hit. CC 11 (Expression) and Note Velocity control overall loudness, Note Velocity also
controls dynamics (up to 16 levels), and notes play in a round robin (x2) cycle.

Timpani Felt Sus Pedal
Various short, long, and double hits played with felt mallets and starting on note C1,
composed of 22-note chromatic ranges with different left-hand (between notes C1–A2)
and right-hand (between notes C3–A4) hit variations. When CC 64 (Sustain Pedal) is off
(values 0-64), playing will trigger short hits; when CC 64 (Sustain Pedal) is on (values
65-127), playing greater than 65 milliseconds apart will trigger long hits, while playing
notes within 65 milliseconds of each other will trigger double hits in which the previous
hit hasn’t fully decayed prior to the next hit being played. This effectively combines the
Timpani Felt Long and Timpani Felt Short instruments into one for much greater flexibil-
ity between long and short notes — and it also mimics the behavior of an actual timpani
pedal, bringing you closer to the instrument while recording into your DAW. CC 11 (Ex-
pression) and Note Velocity control overall loudness, Note Velocity also controls dynamics
(up to 16 levels), and notes play in a round robin (x2) cycle.

Timpani Felt KS
This keyswitch instrument features long and double hits, short hits, flams, rolls, and
crescendos played by a timpani with felt mallets, effectively combining all the felt mal-
let instruments in this collection into one to give you greater flexibility and production
speed. All articulations start on note C1, while notes C0-E0 are reserved for keyswitches
that set one of the five articulations active. CC 11 (Expression) and Note Velocity control
overall loudness.

• (C0) activates long and double hits composed of a 22-note chromatic range with
different left-hand (between notes C1–A2) and right-hand (between notes C3–A4) hit
variations. Playing greater than 65 milliseconds apart will trigger long hits, and playing
notes within 65 milliseconds of each other will trigger double hits (an effect designed
to simulate a dampening of the previous hit at the beginning of the second strike). Note
Velocity controls dynamics (up to 16 levels), and notes play in a round robin (x2) cycle.
• (C#0) activates short hits in a 22-note chromatic range with different left-hand (be-
tween notes C1–A2) and right-hand (between notes C3–A4) hit variations. This allows
you to create more realistic stops and dampening effects than are possible with auto-
mation alone — this is particularly useful when you know that each hit needs to be cut
