EastWest Hollywood Orchestra Opus Edition Virtual Instrument Plug-In (Download) User Manual

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Angels Bisbigliando
This instrument combines 2 articulations — Bisbigliando, a light, fingered tremolo, and Double
Hit, two notes played in rapid succession, an embellishment akin to a grace note. CC 1 (Mod
Wheel) controls Bisbigliando dynamics (2 levels), from silence with a value of 0 (minimum),
to full volume with a value of 127 (maximum). Note Velocity controls Double Hit dynamics (2
levels). CC 11 (Expression) and Note Velocity control overall loudness.

Angels Harmonics
This instrument uses Note Velocity to select between 2 articulations while simultaneously
controlling dynamics. The Gliss Technique articulation between Note Velocities 1 and 122
produces plucks perfect for simulating glissandi (3 dynamic levels), and the Harmonics articu-
lation between Note Velocities 123 and 127 produces a transparent, hollow sound of a note’s
partial which is void of the note’s fundamental frequency (1 dynamic level). CC 11 (Expres-
sion) and Note Velocity control overall loudness.

This instrument uses Note Velocity to select between 3 articulations while simultaneously con-
trolling dynamics. The Double Hit articulation between Note Velocities 1 and 60 produces two
notes played in rapid succession, an embellishment akin to a grace note (1 dynamic level), the
Gliss Technique articulation between Note Velocities 61 and 102 produces plucks perfect for
simulating glissandi (2 dynamic levels), and the Nail Picks articulation between Note Veloci-
ties 103 and 127 produces a firm, picked tone (1 dynamic level). CC 11 (Expression) and Note
Velocity control overall loudness.

Maestro Bisbigliando
This instrument uses Note Velocity to select between 3 articulations while simultaneously con-
trolling dynamics, with the ability to blend in Bisbigliando, a lightly fingered tremolo articula-
tion. CC 1 (Mod Wheel) controls Bisbigliando dynamics (2 levels), from silence with a value of
0 (minimum), to full volume with a value of 127 (maximum). Note Velocity controls the 3 re-
maining articulations: the Double Hit articulation between Note Velocities 1 and 60 produces
two notes played in rapid succession, an embellishment akin to a grace note (1 dynamic level),
the Gliss Technique articulation between Note Velocities 61 and 102 produces plucks perfect
for simulating glissandi (2 dynamic levels), and the Nail Picks articulation between Note Ve-
locities 103 and 127 produces a firm, picked tone (1 dynamic level). CC 11 (Expression) and
Note Velocity control overall loudness.

Sustain RR
This instrument allows the seamless alternation between thumb and finger plucks using a
Round Robin (RR) cycle, while reserving the highest velocities for a nail pick articulation.
Notes alternate back and forth between Pluck Long (RRx1) and Thumb Pick (RRx2) articula-
tions between Note Velocities 1 and 123 (with 5 dynamic levels each), while the Nail Pick
articulation is selected between Note Velocities 124 and 127 (1 dynamic level), regardless of
the Round Robin (RR) cycle. CC 11 (Expression) and Note Velocity control overall loudness.

Sustain RR Bisbigliando
This instrument allows the seamless alternation between thumb and finger plucks, while re-
serving the highest velocities for a nail pick, with the ability to blend in Bisbigliando, a fingered
tremolo articulation. CC 1 (Mod Wheel) controls Bisbigliando dynamics (2 levels), from silence
with a value of 0 (minimum), to full volume with a value of 127 (maximum). Notes alternate
back and forth between Pluck Long (RRx1) and Thumb Pick (RRx2) articulations between Note
Velocities 1 and 123 (with 5 dynamic levels each), while the Nail Pick articulation is controlled
