IBM VERSION 5 SY44-5902-05 User Manual

Page 223

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C600 4272

ASP overflow recovery

C600 4300

Static paging is available for the link loader

C600 4301

Applying temporary PTFs. If the IPL stops at this point, you might need to
install the Licensed Internal Code again.

C600 4302

Applying modules. If the IPL stops at this point, you might need to install
the Licensed Internal Code might again.

C600 4303

Temporarily applied PTFs have reached the static paging phase

C600 432A

Resolving references to run Mode A; you can safely stop the system while
it is doing this work.

C600 432B

Resolving references to run Mode B. You may safely stop the system while
it is doing this work.

C600 4330

Full paging is available; workstation HRI processing

C600 4331

Freeing unused nucleus pages

C600 4332

Permanently applying PTFs. If the IPL stops at this point, you may need to
install the Licensed Internal Code again.

The following SRCs can appear during an MSD IPL.

C6xx 4400

Unattended DASD checker started

C6xx 4401

Attended DASD checker started

C600 4402

Main storage dump manager and storage management recovery started

C600 4403

Storage management recovery ended

C6xx 4404

LIC log started (where

xx is dump copy percent completed).

C600 4405

Dump auto copy completed. Shutdown or programmed IPL has started.

C600 4406

Shutdown or programmed IPL (MSD related) has started.

End of MSD IPL SRCs.

The following SRCs can appear during a CPM IPL.

C6xx 4410

Unattended DASD checker started

Chapter 6. System Reference Code (SRC) Information

