Pm-ior card pm-ior card user screens and settings – Zhone Technologies 900 User Manual

Page 173

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Data Cards

IMACS System Release 5.1.6



PM-IOR Card User Screens and Settings

On the four-port HSU 530/35 Card, selecting the ds0 pattern will display another set of BERT
patterns. Additional non-latching loopback patterns are ff (1111-1111), 7e (0111-1110), 32
(0011-0010), 40 (0100-0000), ocu-a (ocu-alternating byte), csu-a (csu-alternating byte),
dsu-a (dsu-alternating byte), csu1a (csu–one repeater–alternating byte), and csu2a (csu–two
repeater–alternating byte). The results of the alternating patterns (ocu-a, csu-a, dsu-a, csu1a
and csu2a) appear in the Test Screen.

Also note that the Bit Error Rate Tester is supported on the HSU-T V11 and HSU-T 35 Cards
only if the port mode is set to dce in their Card Main Screens.


CTS, RLSD, and DSR parameters are not user-configurable with the PM-IOR.


The Synchronization field indicates if the integrated BERT has achieved synchronization
either with itself via a remote loopback or with the remote test equipment. This is an
information-only field; it is not user-configurable.


The Bit Error (BE) field indicates the total number of bit errors logged. This is an
information-only field; it is not user-configurable.


The Errored Seconds (ES) field indicates the total number of seconds in which errors were
detected. This is an information-only field; it is not user-configurable.


The Severely Errored Seconds (SES) field indicates the total number of seconds in which the
bit error rate exceeded one bit per thousand (1 x 10



). This is an information-only field; it is

not user-configurable.


The Consecutive Severely Errored Seconds (CSES) field is triggered by the occurrence of ten
consecutive severely errored seconds. Once triggered, this field will increment (by one) for
each elapsed second until the system logs ten consecutive non-severely errored seconds. This
is an information-only field; it is not user-configurable.
