Rockwell Automation 8720MC High Performance Drives Installation Manual User Manual

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Publication 8720MC-IN001D-EN-P — December 2002

8720MC Connector Data


Manual/Auto Select - When the manual mode bit is set true, the
manual mode is selected. In this mode the drive can be operated from
an Internal HIM, an external HIM or a SCANport™ connected PLC™
via the jog reference and jog bit or the digital interface via analog
input 2 (P1-16) and the jog digital input. In auto mode only the
configured auto command reference is followed by the drive.
Whenever the drive is switched from auto to manual the drive will
come to a regenerative stop. It will follow the jog reference from the
source that is providing the jog request. If the drive is switched from
manual to auto, the drive will also come to a regenerative stop. A
positive transition on the drive enable input from 0 to +24V dc is
required to restore auto operation of the drive where the drive follows
the auto reference command.

Jog Request - When the drive is enabled in manual mode with no
drive faults and the jog command bit on digital input 6 (P5-34) is set
true, the drive will respond to the jog reference, Analog Input 2
(P1-16, -17).

Since jog is a momentary function, the drive will continue to follow
the reference until the jog is released. When the jog input is released,
the motor will regenerate to a stop.

Regen Power Supply OK - Input 10 (P5-36) is used to interface to
the 8720MC - RPS fault output. This is a normally open contact which
is closed when there are no RPS faults. Since a high is required on this
input it must be tied to +24V dc when the regenerative converter is
not used. The external active shunt (thermal switch) can also wire to
this input. Refer to figures B.4 and B.5 in Appendix B for examples.

Digital input specifications are shown in the table below. Refer to
Figure 2.10 for the typical digital input configuration.

Figure 2.10
Typical Digital Input Connections





12 - 38V dc

3.3 - 12 mA


less than 6.6V dc

less than 1.5 mA leakage





Customer +24V dc Return


8720MC +24V dc Return

Customer +24V dc


8720MC +24V dc



Optically isolated to 500V
Filter with 300 uSec time constant
10 inputs - P5-14 thru P5-18 and

P5-32 thru P5-36
P5-13 is common

