Configuring macintosh tcp/ip settings, Ftp client configuration, Hdr 24/96 – MACKIE HDR24/96 User Manual

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HDR 24/96

needs something there.

Click OK. The computer will want to restart. Let it. Then you should be set. Remember
what you’ve done since you’ll have to reset it for automatic IP address selection next time
you connect to the Internet.

Configuring Macintosh TCP/IP Settings
The Macintosh is a bit cleverer than Windows in that it allows you to create more than one
TCP/IP configuration, then select the one you want to be active. From the Apple menu,
click on Control Panels, select TCP/IP and take a look at the current configuration:

To create a new TCP/IP setup
that will talk to the HDR24/96,
pull down the File menu and
select Configurations.
Choose one (there may be only
one) and click the Duplicate
button to make a copy that you
can modify. Rename the
duplicate “Mackie HDR” or
something you’ll recognize,
then click on its name to open it.

Edit as necessary using this
illustration as a guide:

Connect via Ethernet.
Configure (the IP address) Manually. Then enter the IP address and Subnet mask to agree
with your recorder’s settings as described the Windows setup.

Finally, return to the Files | Configurations menu, select your HDR configuration, and
click the Make Active button.

To switch back to your normal network connection TCP/IP setup, return to the TCP/IP
Control Panel, select Configurations from the File menu, and make your standard settings

FTP Client Configuration
There are a number of FTP clients available for both PC and Macintosh platforms. This example
may not exactly reflect the settings or terminology for your particular FTP client software, but it
should be close enough to get you on the
right track.

If you’re using one of the programs
we’ve suggested, you’ll want to create a
“profile” for your recorder so that you
won’t need to enter the login information
each time. Consult the program’s
documentation for details. Here’s the
setup window for WS_FTP.

The important parts are the host (that’s
the recorder) IP address, the host type,
and the Anonymous login setting. The
FTP server in the HDR24/96 doesn’t use

Technical Reference 177
