Hdr 24/96 – MACKIE HDR24/96 User Manual

Page 206

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HDR 24/96

A copy can be ordered from the MIDI Manufacturers Association. See their web site for
ordering information: http://www.midi.org

The general form of an MMC command is:
F0 7F <dev#> 06 <command> [command aux] F7

Dev# is the midi device number of the target machine. The allowable range is 0-127, but the
HDR24/96 only allows 0-5.

Here are some MMC commands to get you started. It’s not a full list, but you can experiment
with these:

MMC_Stop = &HF0 + &H7F + Dev# + &H06 + &H01 + &HF7

MMC_Play = &HF0 + &H7F + Dev# + &H06 + &H03 + &HF7

MMC_FF = &HF0 + &H7F + Dev# + &H06 + &H04 + &HF7

MMC_Rewind = &HF0 + &H7F + Dev# + &H06 + &H05 + &HF7

MMC_Record = &HF0 + &H7F + Dev# + &H06 + &H06 + &HF7

MMC_PunchOut = &HF0 + &H7F + Dev# + &H06 + &H07 + &HF7

MMC_JogOn = &HF0 + &H7F + Dev# + &H06 + &H20 + &HF7

MMC_JogOff = &HF0 + &H7F + Dev# + &H06 + &H21 + &HF7

MMC_JogRev = &HF0 + &H7F + Dev# + &H06 + &H48 + &H01 + &H42 + &HF7

MMC_JogFwd = &HF0 + &H7F + Dev# + &H06 + &H48 + &H01 + &H02 + &HF7

Thus the string <F0 7F 01 06 03 F7> causes the recorder set to device 1 to Play.

HDR 24/96

