Activate vis, Miscellaneous vis – Gentec-EO Beamage-3.0 User Manual

Page 63

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Beamage-3.0 User Manual Revision 6.0


7.1.5. Activate VIs.

These VIs select which measurement the PC-Beamage-3.0 software will use. Using them is the same as
pressing one of the four buttons on the top of the XY Display software screen. The Cursor Control Button
is not implemented in this release of LabVIEW VIs. You must run each of these VIs at last one time
before requesting the respective measurement.

Activate Gaussian.

Running this VI has the same effect as pressing the Gaussian button in the XY Display.

Activate LOG.

Running this VI has the same effect as pressing the SEMI LOG button in the XY Display.

Activate LIN.

Running this VI has the same effect as releasing the SEMI LOG button in the XY Display.

Activate FWHM.

Running this VI has the same effect as pressing the FWHM button in the XY Display.

Activate 1OVRE.

Running this VI has the same effect as pressing the 1/e2 button in the XY Display.

7.1.6. Miscellaneous VIs.

Query PC Beamage Version.

Returns the PC-Beamage-3.0 software version.

Query Serial Number.

Returns the serial number of the camera that is currently connected to the software.

Read PC Beamage.

Interfaces with the DLL file to read data from the software.

Write PC Beamage.

Interfaces with the DLL file to write data to the software.

Stay or Go.

This VI is used to determine the behavior of the example application when it exits. If the example is being
run in the LabVIEW Development environment, it will stay in memory and stay loaded on exit. If it is being
run as an executable file, it will unload and clean memory when it exits.
