Main user interface, Igure, Pc-b – Gentec-EO Beamage-3.0 User Manual

Page 15: Eamage, Nterface

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Beamage-3.0 User Manual Revision 6.0



Figure 3-1 PC-Beamage-3.0 User Interface

The Main Controls: The top portion of the software is in a ribbon format and includes all the
main controls. These are grouped by family, including Capture controls, File controls, Buffer
controls, and Data Computation which includes a very useful spatial filter and a normalizing

Displays: The left-hand side of the software is the display panel. Three displays are available:
3D, 2D, and XY (cross-sectional graphs along the crosshairs).

Displays Selector: At any time, it is possible to change the type of display by selecting the
desired graphic (3D Display, 2D Display, XY Display).

Analysis Panel - Tab Selector: Choose between the Home, Setup or Data Acquisition panel

Analysis Panel - Controls: The right-hand side of the software contains the Home, Setup and
Data Acquisition tabs. The first tab (Home) allows the user to select the type of measurements
to be performed, it also shows the resulting measures of the beam. The second tab (Setup)
contains all the measurement parameters, such as the Exposure Time, Image Orientation,
Averaging, Active Area,
and more. The third tab (Data Acquisition) lets the user specify the
desired acquisition parameters.
