Capture button, Igure, Apture – Gentec-EO Beamage-3.0 User Manual

Page 18: Utton

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Beamage-3.0 User Manual Revision 6.0


image, the LED will be off to avoid parasitic lighting from the LED. Note that clicking on this button will not
do anything since it is not a control button, but rather a status indicator.

4.2.2. Capture Button

Figure 4-6 Capture Button

To start capturing images with the Beamage-3.0, click on the

“Start Capture”. If no Beamage-3.0 is

connected to the computer or if the

“Animate” mode (refer to section 4.4.4) is on, this button will not be

available. Once the Beamage-3.0 starts streaming, the frame rate will be displayed below the button in
frames per second (fps). This measure includes the acquisition and computation time.
