Campbell Scientific LoggerNet Datalogger Support Software User Manual

Page 499

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Appendix B. Campbell Scientific File Formats

An example of a TOB1 ASCII header:






Header line one describes the file environment with the following eight fields:

Data file type (TOB1).

Station name (STATION).

Model name of the datalogger (CR9000).

Serial number of the datalogger (1000).

Operating system on the datalogger (1.00).

Name of the program running in the datalogger (CPU:BIB.DLD).

Signature of the program running in the datalogger (25871).

The name of the datalogger table (VALUES).

Header line two consists of a set of comma-delimited strings identifying the

names of the fields in the table of the datalogger program.

Header line three describes the units associated with each field in the record.

Units are optional and are specified in the datalogger program, if included. If

no units are provided in the program, then an empty string placeholder is left in

this line for that specific field.

Header line four describes the processing performed in the datalogger to

produce the value for each field in the record; for example, sample, average,

min, max, etc. If there is no known processing for a field, that field will be

assigned an empty processing string. There will be one value on this line for

each field name given on header line two.

Header line five describes the data type for each field and supports the

following values: IEEE4, IEEE8, FP2, ULONG, LONG, SecNano, BOOL, and


BOOL is a single-byte Boolean value that represents true as 0xFF

and false as 0x00. The four-byte CRBasic BOOLEAN data type

will be converted to the one-byte BOOL.

Each data record following the header is a sequence of binary values. The

length of each value is determined by the data type assigned to it in header line

five and the length of the entire record is the sum of the individual data value

lengths. There are no characters that separate records so the application that

reads the TOB1 file must understand the file header so that the record length

can be calculated.


