B.4.5 tob32.exe, B.5 rtms format description, B.4.5 – Campbell Scientific LoggerNet Datalogger Support Software User Manual

Page 517

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Appendix B. Campbell Scientific File Formats

B.4.5 TOB32.EXE

The TOB32.EXE command line utility is installed by default in the LoggerNet

program directory at C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\Loggernet\tob32.exe. The

output is similar to CardConvert. Command line switches are used to

determine the new file format that will be created. Some of the basic switches

available are listed below:

-h or -? | Help

-a | ASCII (TOA5) Generates CSI Table Oriented ASCII version 5

format files

-b | Binary (TOB1) Generates CSI Table Oriented Binary version 1

format files

Some examples using these switches include:

tob32.exe -a mydata.dat (converts mydata.dat to TOA5 format)

tob32.exe -b mydata.dat (converts mydata.dat to TOB1 format)

B.5 RTMS Format Description

The EBNF description of RTMS syntax is as follows:

Record = ( DataRecord | AckRecord ) CRLF.

DataRecord = StationName "," TableName " (" FieldSpecs ") VALUES (" FieldValues ")".

AckRecord = StationName "," TableName "," RecordNumber.

FieldSpecs = FieldName " " FieldType {"," FieldName " " FieldType}.

FieldValues = FieldValue {"," FieldValue}.

StationName = Label.

TableName = Label.

FieldName = Label.

Label = Letter { Letter | Digit }.

FieldType = ( "TIMESTAMP" | Decimal | "FLOAT" | "INTEGER" | VarChar ).

Decimal = "DECIMAL(" Digit [ Digit ] "," Digit [ Digit ] ")".

VarChar = "VARCHAR(" Digit { Digit } ")".

FieldValue = ( TimeStamp | RecordNumber | Number | String ).

TimeStamp = "‘" Year "-" Month "-" Day " " Hour ":" Minute ":" Second "‘".

Year = 4( Digit ).

Month = 2( Digit ).

Day = 2( Digit ).

Hour = 2( Digit ).

Minute = 2( Digit ).

Second = 2( Digit ) [ "." { Digit } ].

RecordNumber = 10{ Digit }.

Number = { Digit } [ "." ] { Digit }.

String = "‘" { Character } "‘".

A typical data record might look something like this:


FLOAT,Temp FLOAT) VALUES ('1993-12-08 15:02:00',123456,13.5,72.123)

