WaveWare CommTech MaxPage User Manual

Page 28

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© Commtech


Add[ ]Tot[ ]
Del[ ]


NOTE: The Tot field refers to the total number of ID’s within the current group.

6. Press the

key to move along to the Del field. By pressing the

key you can

scroll through the Pager ID’s of pagers in the group. If you wish to save the group,
press the

key and the screen will show Group saved. If you wish to remove a

Pager ID from the group, scroll through until the Pager ID is found then press the

key. The screen below will be shown. To confirm deletion you will need to press the

key again. The screen will show Member removed. Press any numeric key to

cancel deletion. Otherwise use the

key to go back to the Add field and add another

pager or press the

key to save the group to the database.

ID[1 ] remove
from group?

7. The screen will briefly display the words Group saved once all fields have been

correctly filled. You will then be returned to the Group Menu screen where you can
choose to add or edit another group.

Group saved

8. To return to Normal Mode, press the

key three times to exit out of all menus.

MAXPage will then restart ready for use.

Deleting a Group

To delete a group, press

to select Delete Group from the Group Menu.

1.Add/Edit Group
2.Delete Group

1. Enter the Group ID of the group you wish to delete in the ID field followed by the

key. If the group exists in the database the details will be displayed on the screen.
You can scroll through the stored ID’s within the group before deletion, use the



2. If the Group ID does not exist in the database, this warning message will be


<ID not found>

3. If the ID is used by a pager and not a group, the following message will be displayed.

ID used by pager

4. If this is the entry you wish to delete, press the

key. A new screen will be shown

prompting to confirm deletion of this ID as shown below:
