WaveWare CommTech MaxPage User Manual

Page 72

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© Commtech


6.4.4 Transmitter

• The POCSAG Data Rate field is where you select the baud rate of the POCSAG data,

sent out from the transmitter. This must match the receiving device (pager).

• The Default Beep Tone field is the default beep code sent to the receiving device if

no other beep code was specified.

• The Ignore Busy tick box is used to enable or disable channel busy detection. If the

tick box is not ticked, MAXPage will wait until the channel is clear before attempting
to send the message. If the tick box is ticked, MAXPage will always attempt to send
the message straight away. The MAXPage must contain a transmitter capable of busy
detection to take advantage of this feature.

• The Two Tone Duration A & B fields specify the length of each of the two tones,

when two-tone voice pagers are used. The first tone is usually one second or less. The
second tone is usually three seconds or less. Consult the documentation that came
with your voice pagers for the optimal duration settings. The default settings are
usually sufficient in most circumstances.

• The Two Gap Duration field refers to the gap between the two tones. The default

value of 0 seconds is usually sufficient for most voice pagers however some may
need a small gap. Consult the documentation that came with your voice pagers for the
optimal duration setting.

• The setting in the System Encoding Method field is only used when serial input from

a COMP2 or TAP third party paging system is being utilized and the Lookup Local
tick-box on the Interface Communications tab is not ticked. In this case a raw cap
code is being supplied within these protocol data, so there is no way MAXPage can
determine how to encode the message. This field sets the default encoding method.

• The Voice Pager Type field is used to select the type of voice pagers being used at

the site. See the documentation that came with the voice pagers for more information.
