Host communication – Leica Biosystems LPC Software installation User Manual

Page 173

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Producer - Installation

On your host system, you must write software that makes a call into the op-
erating system to open a TCP connection. You must specify the IP address
of the PC as well as the port number you set in the Producer CL program's
host setup form. Once the connection is made, you must send data to the PC
over that connection with another call into the OS. The format of the data
sent/received is as required by the application layer protocol that you have
chosen (see below). When the communications is completed, you can close
the connection by another call into the OS.


File Transfer

If you select the File Transfer connection, you must ensure that you have a
valid network connection to the printer's PC, and that files on the PC can be
shared on the network.

You must chose a folder on the PC where you intend to write the data file,
and you must also select the name of the file. This pathname (which may
include wildcard characters to specify groups of files) must be entered into
the File Transfer field of the Host Communications Setup form. Although it is
not required that the file path be on the local PC, it is recommended since
network problems would otherwise cause problems with the program's ex-

As the Producer CL program executes, it will check for this file's existence
once each second. The host must create this file in the proper folder (path)
when it wishes to transfer data to the printer. When the file is created, the
Producer CL program will detect it and read its contents. After all of the
records are read, the file will be deleted. The host must recreate the file the
next time it wishes to send data.

If the Producer CL program tries to read the file's contents while it is being
written by the host, it will back off and try again a second later. The host
must ensure that the file is opened for exclusive write access while it is
being created.

The file must be organized as a list of records, each in the Standard Message
Format. Each record is separated from the next with a carriage return / line
feed (CR/LF) pair. Each record is read from the file and added to the mes-
sage buffer (queue) for printing.


Host Communication
