User interface – Leica Biosystems LPC Software installation User Manual

Page 80

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Instruction Manual V 1.0 – 06/2010

In addition to the data to be printed on the cassettes, there are fields that allow the user to de-
fine the quantity and copy counter, the starting sequence (serial) number and whether the print-
er is to go offline after the end of the print operation.

As you enter the data into the data entry field, the image of the cassette is displayed with the
new information above the Data Entry area. If you double-click on the cassette image, you will
activate the "Layout Designer" form, which allows you to edit the layout. You must have Super-
visor access to edit a layout.

Whatever text the operator enters into the data entry fields will be added to the print queue
when the operator clicks on the Accept Data button

(or press the F11 key) or when

the Print button is clicked and there is nothing in the print queue.

3.1.1 Data Entry

The Data Entry area of the main form allows the
operator to provide data for the layout that may
not be available until it is time to print the cas-
settes. The designer of the cassette layout can
specify zero or more data entry fields that be-
come accessible to the operator. Each field has a
prompt (shown here as ID) as well as an editable
area where the text is to be provided. The de-
signer can also provide optional verification in-
formation to ensure that the operator enters data
into each field in the proper format.

There is no limit placed on the number
of data entry fields the designer can
specify for any given layout, although
for practical reasons, you should
limit the number of fields to a maxi-
mum of 24.

Fig. 2


User Interface
