User interface – Leica Biosystems LPC Software installation User Manual

Page 99

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Producer - Installation

Galvo Home Delay - This field specifies the time, in milliseconds, that the
galvo must delay when returning to the home position.

Galvo Offset - This field specifies the vertical distance in inches (mm) to off-
set the galvo/laser from the center of its scan. This setting effectively shifts
the printed image +/- about the center of the cassette. The field is usually
set to 0 for the model Leica LPC printer, but positive or negative values may
be entered to fine-tune vertical alignment of the burned image with respect
to the cassette.

Printer Configuration

The "Printer Configuration" tab has been extensively redesigned for V2.00
and now provides support for the Leica LPC1 single-magazine printer. Addi-
tional controls are provided to assist you in adjusting the printer's setting.


User Interface
