Grass Valley NV9000-SE v.5.0 User Manual

Page 167

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NV9000-SE Utilities

User’s Guide

The table lists the devices assigned to the category. The rows of this table have 11 fields, of
which 8 are suffix fields, These are the fields:

Device ID

The database ID of the device definition.

Device mnemonic

The name of the device.


NVISION master control systems require that router source selection be performed using a
category base name and a single index. The index column gives the indexes of the devices in
the list for master control.

(The ‘Index’ column has other purposes too. Principally, it governs, where new devices are
added to the device list.)

Device selection at NV96xx control panels does not use indexes, but uses suffixes. The suf-
fixes for selection might resemble indexes if they are digits.

The indexes are automatically generated when the category is created. In addition, the first
several suffix fields are coded automatically so that they match the index of the device. You
can change the index of any device in the category.

The ‘Reindex All’ button generates a new index sequence for the device list.

The ‘Hide Index’ button causes NV9000-SE Utilities not to display the index column.

Note that device indexes often bear no particular relationship to any numbers that appear in
device mnemonics, although you can create a relationship using the ‘Auto-Fill Suffixes’ but-
ton at the bottom of the page.

‘Suffix 1’ through ‘Suffix 8’

Every device, under category selection, may have up to 8 suffixes. Each suffix is a text string
of up to 4 characters. Therefore, with a base name of up to 8 characters, the maximum
device name would have 40 characters. However, panel operators do not type device names.
They press category and suffix buttons. Therefore, operators will press no more than 9 but-
tons to select a device and usually far fewer than 9 buttons.

The name of a device, under category selection, is spelled out as much as possible on the
small displays of NV96xx control panels, with the most recent suffix displayed and the least
recent suffix possibly scrolled off the display.

Although NV9000-SE Utilities allows any text as a suffix, we recommend that you restrict
your suffix text to alphanumeric characters.

The filters above the table can be used to reduce the number of entries displayed in the table in
certain ways. See


, following.

The device buttons just below the table affect the devices in the table, the suffixes used in the
table, and how the table is displayed. See

Device Buttons

on page 150.

If you define suffixes for one category, they become available globally, for all categories.
