Constraining the core, Required constraints, Device, package, and speedgrade selection – Xilinx LOGICORE UG144 User Manual

Page 93: I/o location constraints, Placement constraints, Timing constraints, Chapter 9: constraining the core, Chapter 9, “constraining the core, For a li, Chapter 9

Constraining the core, Required constraints, Device, package, and speedgrade selection | I/o location constraints, Placement constraints, Timing constraints, Chapter 9: constraining the core, Chapter 9, “constraining the core, For a li, Chapter 9 | Xilinx LOGICORE UG144 User Manual | Page 93 / 138 Constraining the core, Required constraints, Device, package, and speedgrade selection | I/o location constraints, Placement constraints, Timing constraints, Chapter 9: constraining the core, Chapter 9, “constraining the core, For a li, Chapter 9 | Xilinx LOGICORE UG144 User Manual | Page 93 / 138