Rockwell Automation 1771-QA Stepper Positioning Assembly User Manual User Manual

Page 32

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Programming and Operation

Publication 1771-UM002A–EN–P – May 2000

Bit 03 Synchronized Axes Bit.
If this bit is set for any axis, it must be set for the other axes so that
all (two or three) axes controlled by the stepper positioning assembly
are synchronized. Synchronized axes must be operating in the same
positioning mode. (Bits 01, 02, and 03 must be set identically in the
moveset control words of the synchronized axes.) Refer to
“Synchronization of Axes.”

Bit 04 Reset Command Bit.
A reset command can be limited to a single axis or can reset all axes
(up to three) depending on the logic state of the global/axis bit (bit
05). With the exception of the done bit and reset bit, all status and
position information and all moveset data are cleared in the stepper
controller module when the reset command bit is set. The reset bit
and done bit are reset in the status word at the start of the first move
in the next moveset. The user program should clear the reset bit after
the reset has been executed as indicated by reset bit 05 in the status
word. Refer to section titled “Status Block.”

Bit 05 Global/Axis Bit (for stop or reset commands, only).
When this bit is set, all axes controlled by the stepper positioning
assembly are stopped or reset with one command. (The notation
refers to a low logic state.)

When this bit is zero, only the axis of the moveset defined by the
axis address bits (bits 10 and 11) is stopped or reset.

The function of this bit should be considered whenever the stop bit
(bit 06) or the reset bit (bit 04) is programmed.

Bit 06 Stop Command Bit.
When this bit is set, output pulses will cease either in a controlled
decel or instantly, depending on how the decel/instantaneous bit (bit
07) is set. A stop command can be limited to a single axis or can
apply to all axes (up to three) depending on how the global/axis (bit
05) is set.

All move profile data is cleared, but position and status information
remains the same in the stepper controller module when this bit is

The user program should clear the stop bit after the stop command
has been executed as indicated by reset bit 05 in the status word.
Refer to section titled “Status Block.”

Bit 07 Decel/Instantaneous Bit.
When this bit is set, the output pulse rate will decelerate to zero in
accordance with the decel value in the move block that was being
executed when a software stop command was received.
