7 - recorder functions, Checking punch-in/out points, Rehearsing with automatic punching – Teac DP-32 User Manual

Page 55: Recording with automatic punching, Checking takes

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7 - Recorder Functions

Auto Punch

appears at the top of the screen when

automatic punching is enabled.
You can also press the AUTO PUNCH button again to

return to the Home screen without enabling automatic



You can press the AUTO PUNCH button before putting

any tracks into recording standby. Press the REC button of

any track to put it into recording standby after enabling

automatic punching.

Checking punch-in/out points

When punch-in/out points are set, you can confirm the

setting by pressing the PLAY (7) button.
The playback starts from the pre-roll point and continues

to the post-roll point. When the punch-in point is reached,

on tracks armed for recording, already recorded audio will

be muted and only input signals will be heard. When the

punch-out point is reached, already recorded audio and

input signals will both be heard.
If you want to change the punch-in/out points, locate the

desired points and set them again.
If there are no problems with the punch-in/out points

and pre-roll and post-roll times rehearse recording, as

described below.

Rehearsing with automatic punching

You can rehearse before punch in/out recording. During

rehearsal, monitoring operates the same way as in actual

recording, but no recording occurs.
1. When the AUTO PUNCH button is lit and at least

one of the tracks is in recording standby, press the

REHEARSE button.
The REHEARSE button lights.

2. Press the RECORD (0) button.

Automatic punch in/out rehearsal starts.
• Playback starts from the pre-roll point. You can

monitor both the track playback and input source

signals during the pre-roll.

• When the punch-in point is reached, monitoring

changes to only the input source signal, and the

RECORD (0) button starts flashing (indicating that

this is a rehearsal).

• When the punch-out point is reached, monitoring

of both the track playback and input source signals

resumes, and the RECORD (0) button becomes


• Playback stops at the post-roll point.
Before starting a rehearsal, you can press the REPEAT

button to repeat rehearsal of the auto-punch interval

until you press the STOP (8) button. (AUTO PUNCH,

REHEARSE and REPEAT buttons all light in this case.)

Recording with automatic punching

After rehearsing, record with auto punch in/out.
1. If necessary, press the REHEARSE button so that it

becomes unlit.

2. Press the RECORD (0) button.

• Playback starts from the pre-roll point. You can

monitor both the track playback and input source

signals during the pre-roll.

• When the punch-in point is reached, monitoring

changes to only the input source signal, and the

RECORD (0) button starts flashing (indicating that

this is a rehearsal).

• When the punch-out point is reached, monitoring

of both the track playback and input source signals

resumes, and the RECORD (0) button becomes


• Playback stops at the post-roll point.

Before starting punch in/out recording, you can press

the REPEAT button so that it lights. Then, you can repeat

automatic punch in/out recording up to 8 times (takes).

This uses the recorder's virtual track feature.
After recording, you can choose your favorite take

from one of the 8 takes recorded on virtual tracks. (See

"Checking takes" below.)


You can undo auto punch in/out operations.

Checking takes

After recording one or more takes, follow these

procedures to check them.
After punch in/out recording completes, the VIRTUAL

TRACK screen opens, as shown below.

1. Use the JOG/DATA dial or the CURSOR (5/b)

buttons to select (highlight blue) a take in the list.

2. Press F4 (


) to assign that virtual track to the

physical track.
Playback the take to check it.
Repeat steps 1 and 2 to check other takes.

3. If you are satisfied with the result, press the

VIRTUAL TRACK button to close this screen.
To end Auto Punch mode, press the AUTO PUNCH

If you are not satisfied with the result, press the

RECORD (0) button again and record another take.

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