Display area, Status area, 5250 status area – Visara 410 User Manual

Page 52: 3270 status area, Display area -8 status area -8, 5250 status area -8 3270 status area -8

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Chapter 6: HostConnect Terminal Emulation Session

Display Area

The Session Display Area is the vertical center of the screen between the
Session Menu Bar and the Status Area where all host application data is

Status Area

The Session Status Area is at the bottom of the Session Window. It provides
status information about the session. It may be referred to as the User
Information Area (UIA) or Operator Information Area (OIA). Each session
type displays status differently.

5250 Status Area

The 5250 status area consists of seven indicators on the left side of the
status bar as follows:

Displays a circle when the session is connected to a host system; this

is sometimes called “System Available”.

Displays an X when input is inhibited, usually because the session is

waiting for data from the host system. If instead, input is inhibited
due to a user error, a four-digit error code may also be displayed inside
the Session Display Area.

Displays an envelope when your session has a message waiting.

Displays a caret “^” when Insert mode is active.

Displays a “d” character in script when Diacritic mode is active.

Displays a “>>” pair of characters when type-ahead is activated.

Displays an arrow when keyboard-shift is in effect.

The current row/column position of the text cursor appears to the right of
the last indicator followed by a message area.

3270 Status Area

The 3270 status area consists of seven indicators on the left side of the
status bar as follows:

Displays a Red circle when the session has initiated a connection to a

host system, but has not yet received a response. The circle turns
yellow when a response from the host is received, and connection
negotiation is in progress. The circle turns green when the connections
established; this is sometimes called “System Available”.
