C.4 using the laddersequencingtoolbox, Using the ladder sequencing toolbox, C.4 using the ladder sequencing toolbox – HP Data Explorer 4 Series User Manual

Page 401

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Using the Ladder Sequencing Toolbox

Data Explorer

Software User’s Guide



NOTE: If the modToolBoxPalette.Toolbox_Palette is not
listed, you must import the macro into the Data Explorer
project. For information, see Section 6.7.7, Importing or
Exporting Macros in DATAEXPLORER.VB6.

Hint: You can assign the
modToolBoxPalette.Toolbox_Palette macro to a macro
button in the Data Explorer software. For information, see
the Data Explorer User’s Guide, Section 6.7, Using the
Macro Recorder

You can also access individual macros directly, or assign
individual macros to a macro button, by selecting the
individual macro in the Macros dialog box.

C.4 Using the

Ladder Sequencing Toolbox

Use the Ladder Sequencing toolbox when you perform
sequencing to label peaks with the appropriate amino acid,
DNA, or RNA residue. Labels are determined by calculating
the mass differences between the peaks and comparing the
values to an internal listing of mass differences and
corresponding residues.

Running the


To run the Ladder Sequencing macro:


In the Toolbox Palette dialog box, click Ladder

Sequencing Toolbox. The range displayed in the
Spectrum window is reflected in the Mass Range fields.

NOTE: If you zoom on a different region in the Spectrum
window, the new range is not updated in the Mass Range
field, but is used for the analysis when you click Label
Peaks. The range is updated when you click any button.
