Upgrade to rx1100, Change repository server, 317 34.13.3. change repository server – RuggedCom RuggedRouter RX1100 User Manual

Page 317: 317 34.44. change repository server

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34. Maintaining The Router

Revision 1.14.3



firewall or ssh client. A router upgrade involves replacing some of these packages with newer versions
and sometimes adding new packages. The upgrade system handles these functions automatically.

34.13.2. Upgrade to RX1100

Figure 34.43. Upgrade to RX1100

This menu allows you to upgrade your router. The display usefully provides a description of the current
hardware in the router inventory.

34.13.3. Change Repository Server

Figure 34.44. Change Repository Server

This menu defines the server used to upgrade software. The Repository server field accepts a URL
containing the domain name or IP address of an http or ftp server along with the directory on the
server containing the upgrades.

The release version field accepts a software release string, such as "rr1", "rr1.7" or "rr1.7.2".

If you configure this field with only a major release number such as "rr1", the router will always pick
the latest release at the server. As an example, if the router is running with release rr1.7 and release
rr1.7.2 becomes available, the latter will be used.
