Creating a certificate authority with openssl, Generating the ca key and certificate – Cobalt Co9992-4ENC-4K-HEVC Software-Defined Broadcast Encoder User Manual

Page 133

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If the device is using the built-in credentials, the Common Name is set to


. For example,


If the device is using a certificate derived from a CSR from the device itself, the
Common Name was set in the CSR, as described in the section “Obtaining a CSR for the
Built-In Keys”
and illustrated in Figure 7.

If the device is using an externally-generated key/certificate pair, the Common Name is
part of that certificate.

When a connection succeeds, the Common Name of the remote end is reported in the Statistics


top tab,

Tunnel Stats

bottom tab, as indicated in Figure 17.

Creating a Certificate Authority with OpenSSL

This section shows how to create a private Certificate Authority with OpenSSL. Please note that
Cobalt Digital cannot provide support for OpenSSL, these instructions are provided as-is. If you
are using Linux, most distributions include OpenSSL, either by default or as an additional
package. If you are using Windows, there are a number of ports available in the Internet. One
such port can be found in

this link

. Note that OpenSSL is a command-line utility that needs to

run in a terminal (or a “cmd” shell in Windows).
In the sections below, commands to be typed are in


and responses are in



Generating the CA Key and Certificate

The first step is to generate the CA key, which must be kept secret. In this example, the key will
be written to



openssl genrsa -des3 -out CA_KEY.PEM 2048

Figure 17: CN Reporting in the Statistics GUI
