Missing reagent error, Paused to add reagent, Slides skipped – Dako Autostainer User Manual

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Dako Autostainer


User Guide


Missing Reagent Error

The Dako Autostainer prompts the user when an insufficient volume of reagent is measured for a run.
The Autostainer can be paused to allow the user to add more reagent to the specified reagent vial. If
sufficient volume of a reagent is not available, the Autostainer will provide a list on the Run Log of
skipped or partially applied slides.

To program the Autostainer to check for insufficient volumes at the start of the run, select the Check
option on the SET START TIME screen (See Starting a Run, section 14).

Paused to Add Reagent

Reagent vials are loaded on the Autostainer and a run has been started.

1. The reagent probe senses insufficient or a missing reagent. The MORE REAGENT

window is displayed on the screen. The screen states the reagent vial position, amount
needed and reagent that is missing. A 60 second count begins to count down and an
alarm sounds.

2. If the user notices the MORE REAGENT alarm and clicks the OK button, the ADD

REAGENT dialog box is displayed. This box contains a message notifying the user how
much reagent needs to be added.

3. The specified reagent volume is added and the user clicks the OK button.

4. The probe returns to the reagent vial and picks up the reagent. The Run Log records the

pause to add reagent.

Slides Skipped

Reagent vials are loaded on the Autostainer and a run has been started.

1. The reagent probe senses insufficient or a missing reagent. The MORE REAGENT

window is displayed on the screen. The screen states the reagent vial position, amount
needed and reagent that is missing.

2. A 60 second count begins to count down and an alarm sounds.

3. If the user does not notice the MORE REAGENT alarm, after 60 seconds the RUN LOG

screen appears and the pause in the run is recorded.

4. The Autostainer tries again to pump reagent into the probe. If no reagent is found, this

reagent is skipped and the Autostainer continues with the next reagent. The Run Log
records no reagent was found and reports the skipped slides.

5. When the run is completed, the user is prompted with a list of slide(s) that have been

skipped. This list can be printed by selecting PRINT.
